Introduction to R
R is an open-source programming language for statistical computing and graphics. R is extensible, and has a large collection of high-quality user contributed packages that provides easy tools for common data analysis tasks. This mini-course will introduce you the fundamentals of R programming with a focus on data management, data visualization and quantitative finance applications in R.
What To Prepare
Please install R and RStudio Desktop before the first session.
RStudio is the most popular IDE (Integrated Development Environment) for R. Most people use RStudio if they want to write some R code.
If you encounter technical difficulties installing the software, you can instead create a free RStudio Cloud account so you can run R and RStudio in the cloud via your browser.
An alternative to RStudio Cloud is the UofT JupyterHub/RStudio system. Go to its home page, choose the RStudio option, and click Log in to start. You will need your UTORid.
We will also use Google Colab, and I assume you all have a Google account.
Google Colab lets you combine code and notes in a “notebook”. It is a hosted Jupyter Notebook service that requires no setup to use. It is a convenient coding environment to get started with R programming.
UofT JupyterHub offers a similar notebook setting. Go to its home page, choose the Jupyter Notebook or JupyterLab option, and click Log in to start. You will need your UTORid.
Part 1 (Overview & Basics)
Coming Soon
Part 2 (Data Manipulation)
Coming Soon
Part 3 (Visualization)
Coming Soon
Part 4 (Tidymodels, Time Series and Some R Finance Packages)
Coming Soon
- From Zero to Hero
- Step 1: Hands-on Programming with R (start here if you never programmed before.)
- Step 2: R for Data Science (data science with R’s Tidyverse eco-system; 1st ed.)
- Step 3: Advanced R (master R)
- R Graphics
- R Graphics Cookbook
- ggplot2: Elegant Graphics for Data Analysis
- The R Graph Gallery (R graph samples with code)
- R Econometrics & Finance
- Tidy Finance with R
- Introduction to Econometrics with R
- Forecasting: Principles and Practice (2nd ed.; 3rd ed.)
- Portfolio Optimization (R & Python code available)
- Financial Engineering Analytics: A Practice Manual Using R
- Financial Risk Modelling and Portfolio Optimization with R (free access via UofT library)
- Statistics and Data Analysis for Financial Engineering with R examples (book download; book site)
- R Machine Learning
- An Introduction to Statistical Learning / with Applications in R (R & Python code available)
- R Interface to Keras (deep learning with R)
- Tensorflow for R (deep learning with R)
- Torch for R (deep learning with R)
- Others
- A Short R Tutorial by Germán Rodríguez
- Introductory Econometrics Examples (data and examples from Wooldridge)
- STAT545 by Jenny Bryan : Data wrangling, exploration, and analysis with R
- Programming with R (from software carpentry)
- R Cheat Sheets (cheat sheets for many popular R packages)
- Many more R books here
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