Intro to Data Visualization with Python
This workshop introduces you the art and science of data visualization. You’ll learn the basic principles of effective data visualization, and get hands-on with popular Python libraries to create your own compelling plots.
What To Prepare
In this workshop, we will mostly use Google Colab as our coding environment. Google Colab is a hosted Jupyter Notebook service that requires no setup to use and provides free access to computing resources.
Please make sure you have a Google account and can access Google Colab. If you have not used Google Colab before, please go through the three Colab tutorials below to get familiar with the environment.
If you want to get a head start on basic plotting in Python, you can work through the below notebook from Google.
Part I: Principles & Good Practices
In other words, what is a good chart, and a good way to make one.
Part II: Intro to Matplotlib
Part III: Plotting Maps (with Geopandas and Matplotlib)
- Spatial data basics and plotting
- Slides
- Notebook: Geopandas intro (
- Reproducing the Toronto Parking Tickets Visualization
Part IV: Dashboarding (with Quarto and Plotly Express)
- Slides
- Code 1: Client-only interactivity (superstore.qmd)
- Code 2: Py-shiny-based interactivity (superstore-v2.qmd)
- Assets: Superstore data and logo
- Learning
- Good Charts by Scott Berinato (main reference for Part I; available via UofT library.)
- Scientific Visualization: Python + Matplotlib by Nicolas P. Rougier (mastering Matplotlib)
- Fundamentals of Data Visualization by Claus O. Wilke
- Datawrapper Blog
- Flowing Data by Nathan Yau
- From Data to Viz (sample code of various types of charts)
- Inspiration
- Joseph’s Github dataviz repo (Python)
- Tanya Shapiro’s GitHub Gallery (R)
- Dataviz Inspiration (various tools)
- Fronkonstin (R)
- Data Imaginist (R)
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