Rotman Research Node User Guide
Rotman Research Node
Rotman Research Node (RRN) is a shared Linux server for the Rotman research community. The node is equipped with 32 cores, 512G memory, and 25T project storage. It is an integrated part (login node) of a High-Performance Computing (HPC) system consisting of a cluster of around 100 compute nodes. Researchers can work directly on the Rotman node, but also have the option to scale up their computation by submitting large workloads to the compute nodes on the HPC system. Currently, default Rotman users have access to 8 compute nodes via a “standard” partition (a partition is a logical set of compute nodes). Each compute node has 24 CPUs and 240G memory. These compute nodes are also shared by researchers from another university.
RRN is hosted at Centre for Advanced Computing (CAC). Rotman TD Management Data and Analytics Lab (TDMDAL) provides 1st-tier user support. Email if you have any questions about the system.
About this User Guide
This User Guide focuses on use cases most relevant to Rotman researchers. It complements the CAC Wiki document, which covers the usage of the entire CAC HPC system in details. We encourage users with high computation needs to further read the CAC Wiki in order to take full advantage of the HPC system.