1 Getting Started

1.1 Requesting an Account

RRN is available to all Rotman researchers. To request an account, please email TD Management Data and Analytics Lab at . Once your account is created, you will receive an activation email together with login instructions. The process usually takes less than 1 business day.

1.2 Logging on to RRN

You will need an SSH (Secure Shell) client to log on to RRN. For Windows users, we recommend MobaXterm. Mac users can use the SSH client provided by the pre-installed Terminal App. In addition, in order to run applications on the server with graphic user interfaces (GUI), Mac users should also install XQuartz.

To log on to RRN,

  1. Open a terminal window. Windows users first launch the MobaXterm app, and then click the “Start local terminal” button in the home tab. Mac users simply run the Terminal app.

  2. Type the following command. (Replace yourUserName with your user name.)

ssh -X yourUserName@rrlogin.cac.queensu.ca

The -X option enables graphics forwarding so you can run applications with GUI.

1.3 Resetting Password

If you forget your password, you can go to this page to reset it. You would need to provide your username, which starts with “pc_”, and the email address you used when signing up RRN, which most likely is your Rotman email address.

1.4 Directory Structure and Disk Quota

You have three folders to store your data. All of them can only be accessed by you.

Folder Path Quota Usage
home folder /global/home/yourUserName/ 3T main storage
project folder /global/project/rotman_research/yourUserName/ 25T shared additional storage
scratch folder /global/scratch/yourUserName/ 5T temporary storage

Note that your project folder shares 25T disk space with other Rotman project folders.

The home folder is the landing folder when you log on to the system. The project and scratch folders can also be accessed via two symbolic links in your home folder: rotman_research and scratch. (The symbolic links are like shortcuts in Windows.)

You can use the myquota command to see your disk quota and current usage.

In addition to the above folders, if you need another project folder for collaboration (i.e. share with other researchers), email us and we can help you set it up.

1.5 Transferring Files

It’s most convenient to use an SFTP (Secure File Transfer Protocol) client to transfer files between your local computer and RRN. WinSCP is a great free SFTP client for Windows users. Mac users can install FileZilla. Use the following information to configure your SFTP client.

  • File protocol: SFTP
  • Host name: rrlogin.cac.queensu.ca
  • User name: (your username)
  • Password: (your password)
  • Port: 22

If you prefer to use command line tools, scp and rsync are good options.

1.6 Loading Software

RRN uses Environment Modules to manage its software. Environment modules treat each software and its associated files as a distinct package to be loaded on demand. It resolves conflicts between multiple versions of a software package and configures the environment necessary for running a package.

Below are a few commonly used module command.

Description Module Command
List all available software packages module avail
Display a short description of a package module spider packageName
Load a package module load packageName
Load a specific version of a package module load packageName/version
List currently loaded packages module list
Unload a package module unload packageName
Unload all packages module purge

For example, to load the Python 3.11 package, type the below command.

module load StdEnv/2023
module load python/3.11.5

StdEnv/2023 is a software environment that offers more recent software tools. python/3.11.5 is a version of Python offered under StdEnv/2023.

RRN has a large collection of software tools installed. Section Using Software provides more details on how to setup some commonly used ones.