R is an open-source programming language for statistical computing and graphics. R is extensible, and has a large collection of high-quality user contributed packages that makes data analysis easy for beginners. This mini-course will introduce you the fundamentals of R programming with a focus on data management, data visualization and quantitative finance applications in R.

What To Prepare

Please install R and RStudio Desktop before the first session. If you encounter technical difficulties installing the software, you can instead create a free RStudio Cloud account so you can run R in the cloud via your browser.

An alternative to RStudio Cloud is the new UofT JupyterHub/RStudio system. Go to its home page, choose the RStudio option, and click “Log in to start”. You will need your UTORid to login. Currently, the UofT JupyterHub/RStudio service is a proof-of-concept installation so it is possible that you experience some minor issues.

Session 1 (Overview)

Session 2 (Data Manipulation)

Session 3 (Visualization)

Session 4 (Tidymodels, Time Series and Some R Finance Packages)

I inserted a Intro to Tidymodels R markdown notebook (optional). Some of you are currently working on industry projects using R and machine learning. The Tidymodels framework could be useful for your projects.

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